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Helping Your Parents Win the Independence Game

What to know about their health insurance plan — and why it matters

Every year during Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), seniors are bombarded with flyers, postcards, television ads, social media posts, and emails from Medicare Advantage plan providers vying for their business. Plans vary, but the benefits are similar: vision, dental, hearing services, fitness programs, drug coverage, preventive care, among others. Our ebook shows how to access even more services and support — download it for FREE today.

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What you’ll find in our ebook:

A deep dive into resources that can help your loved one live a more independent life, wherever they call home. We are in the business of helping people Age Magnificently. And using health plans to help seniors stay healthy at home, navigate their options with confidence, and live fuller, more independent lives is our stake in the game.

Why we designed this eBook

This guide helps you tap into resources that are available through your loved one’s health plan that you may not know existed, or to find a different plan, that will support your parent’s goals and needs, and lift some of the burden from your shoulders. Let’s get started, download your eBook now!

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