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Aging Magnificently In Times of Uncertainty – You’ve Got This!

  • Mar 19, 2020
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 5-min Read

One thing is certain – you can still age magnificently. You can still live a sparked life, even in isolation or quarantine. Right now, holding onto what sparks you may just be the motivation we all need for a fresh perspective in a very dark time.

We know the elderly population is the most at risk right now. And we know that fear, panic, and anxiety contribute to higher blood pressure. It’s time to let that go and create room for more positive thoughts– mental clarity and attitude are just as important as washing hands. Take one from the Partridge Family, instead of singing the recommended ‘Happy Birthday’ to ensure you’ve washed your hands for 20 seconds, how about a little ‘Come On Get Happy?’ We all could use a little of that right now.

Your generation has done a beautiful job showing the rest of the world how to be resilient in times of great suffering – wars, recessions, flu pandemics, and more. You either lived through it or you were privy to the stories of your grandparents who taught you how they survived.

This COVID-19 is unchartered territory and that makes us fearful. But remember the stories – the human resolve is stronger. That’s the ‘spark’ we often talk about at Lifesprk. When we accept the perceived norms about aging, people tend to decline faster. But when we believe in our own ability to think differently about how we age, we see the possibilities and, as it does for our clients, health outcomes improve. How we approach this pandemic is no different.

Now, let’s talk about that spark. These are strange times. Some even attribute what’s happening to a more spiritual deepening comparing it to the 40 days Jesus spent in isolation – it is the Lenten season after all. But religion aside, many others believe this is a much needed slow down of society to reflect on our own purpose and that truly is an ageless opportunity.

How can you age magnificently in times of uncertainty? Here are a few tips to get you thinking differently about your time spent quietly in isolation (and don’t forget washing your hands, sneezing into your elbow, checking your temp, asking visitors if they have symptoms or been exposed, etc. – you know the drill):

  • Podcasts – Listening can take your mind away from the troubles of the moment. They offer opportunities to learn about new things on any subject imaginable and are great conversation starters to share with others what you’ve learned. Try meditation, politics, local news like MPR, listen to your favorite authors, books on tapes, comedy and so much more.
  • Broadway Online – Yes, it’s true. You can now watch Broadway shows online for a limited time. So go ahead and pop the popcorn, get dressed up, and head to the theater (and by theater, we mean your living room). Your inner Barbra is calling.
  • Ancestry charts – When you are cooped up inside there is no better time than to put your family lineage to test. Start researching your family tree. This can turn into a deep research project all available on the internet as you connect to others who are part of your tree. This could be a gift you could share with your loved ones.
  • Unlock your purpose – Richard Leider, Lifesprk advisory chair, has a lot to say on this subject including the tremendous health benefits of discovering and dusting off your passion and inner purpose. An author of all things purpose-related, Richard also has youtube videos on how to age with purpose and many others that may have you thinking a bit differently about life after this pandemic.
  • Explore online learning – from learning how to play the guitar and listening to free audiobooks to taking online courses. There is no better time than the present to enhance higher learning.
  • Poetry, limericks, and journaling – who doesn’t love a thoughtful rhyming prose about your family or friends? They make you laugh, and they offer a lasting note of joy to those you love. Our grandmother used to share these on a whim at every family gathering. What we wouldn’t give now to have recorded those on paper. There is something soothing and beneficial about the long-lost art of writing.
  • Stretch and ‘namaste’ – While you’re at home, changing positions (literally) is a great way to enhance strength, mobility, and agility while clearing your head and letting all this pandemic pandemonium leave your headspace. A little downward dog for the soul! Many local fitness centers are now offering online classes for free including yoga – call ahead and see what they have.
  • Meditation and mindfulness – There’s an app for that. Actually, there are several. We’ve written lots of great blogs on mindfulness and the power of meditation. Two great apps to try are headspace or the mindfulness app – these are just a few of the many great ones you can find online.
  • Try new foods and restaurants– This sounds counterintuitive if you’re unable to leave your home, but many local restaurants are encouraging people to try their foods, they’ll even safely deliver them to your home. Uber eats is also waiving delivery fees for many local places while instructing safety precautions with their drivers and leaving your food outside your door. This is a great time to explore local eateries from the comfort of your own home.

There’s a lot that you can do while at home to pass the time. We are giving you permission (if you need it) to enjoy the quiet calm, even get your spring garden ready a bit earlier and plan ahead. Maintaining your ‘spark’ and keeping your spirits high has never been more important.

But, we also realize you may need some extra support at home in order to keep that spark going. That’s okay, too. We are here for you whether it’s answering questions or concerns or even offering in-home care so you can avoid the ER and hospitals.

Reach out 24/7 at 952-345-0919 or schedule a free consultation – our team is trained, prepared, and ready to help you age magnificently in times of uncertainty.

Don’t forget to share with us how you are spending your time – we’d love to hear your ideas, videos, and photos of how you are living a sparked life.

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