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How do you feel about getting older?

  • Jul 13, 2012
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 1-min Read

Age is one of those sensitive words. People have varying intensities of emotion surrounding it. How do you feel about getting older? A new web site called Get Old and some research from Pfizer is trying ‘to amplify the conversation on aging and learn more about how Americans are tackling aging for themselves, their families and society.’ So what do you think?

At Lifesprk, we’ve found that many people have issues with the words ‘age’ and ‘aging.’ That is one of the reasons we left the ‘a’ out of ‘Lifesprk’ – we wanted to make a statement that living a sparked life is an ageless opportunity. Age and aging are irrelevant in the second half of life. It is not about age or a number – it is about living with purpose, meaning and a sparkle in your eye. And that is what our model is designed to do for our clients and their families.

We encourage you to check out www.GetOld.com to share your thoughts and perspective. And while you’re at it, we invite you to share with us your thoughts on what inspires you in the second half of life, and what interferes with your ability to live a sparked life?

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