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Take Control Own Your Future

  • Oct 10, 2012
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 2-min Read

When the original Shrek movie came out on DVD, it was among the first to allow people to choose their own ending. Oh, the control, the choices. We love having that independence and power.

Yet as often happens, real life isn’t always like the movies. Far too many of us let our future slip beyond our control and end up with our options narrowed in the later years of our lives. What experience do you want in the second half of your life? What experience do your parents want? 

To help you take control, the State of Minnesota has joined with the US Department of Health & Human Services to launch the “Own Your Future” campaign. It offers a variety of tools and education to help people plan for long-term care needs before there is a crisis. As the campaign stresses, ‘many people mistakenly believe that Medicare will pay for long-term care costs. It does not. Medicare only pays for long-term care under very limited circumstances.’

Though these long-term care conversations are often focused on Controlfinancial costs, we believe there is much more to the cost than just money. At Lifesprk, we see many people on a roller coaster of health care crisis that robs them of their control, independence and choices. And that robs us and our communities of their wisdom, laughter and presence. We find that unacceptable.

Before you rush off, thinking you have plenty of time to consider this in the future, just take a moment right now: what DO you want your experience to be like?

You have more control than you think. And we encourage you to learn more. Start with the Minnesota web site. Check out the blog series we’ve been doing to educate people on long-term care insurance, a truly misunderstood option.

And check back here to our Lifesprk Seek On blog where we will continue to explore this theme of Owning Your Future and the steps you can take to retain the control and independence you want in your life.

I guess that Shrek was really onto something. Your future starts now. What’s your next move?

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