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8 Warning Signs Your Aging Parent Needs Help

  • Mar 1, 2016
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 3-min Read

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Proactive planning is a powerful way to make sure that nothing gets in the way of optimizing your aging parent’s health and well-being. We know keeping them home instead of in the hospital is an important goal. How do you do that? Being alert to certain signs or red flags that can be indicators that more imminent help is needed so you can you avoid a health care crisis before it happens and safeguard the progress you are making.

How do you know it’s time to start that conversation? The Mayo Clinic shares these 8 warning signs that you should be aware of:

  1. Are your parents able to take care of themselves? Are they keeping up with daily routines such as bathing and tooth brushing? Are the lights working? Is the heat on? Is the yard overgrown?
  2. Are your parents experiencing memory loss? There’s a difference between normal changes in memory and the type of memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
  3. Are your parents safe in their home? Take a look around your parents’ home, keeping an eye out for any red flags. Do your parents have difficulty navigating a narrow stairway? Has either parent fallen recently? Are they able to read directions on medication containers? When asked, do your parents say they feel safe at home? Do you feel it’s time to explore senior living options?
  4. Are your parents safe on the road? Driving can be challenging for older adults. If your parents become confused while driving or you’re concerned about their ability to drive safely, it might be time for a discussion about driving.
  5. Have your parents lost weight? Losing weight without trying could be a sign something’s wrong. It could be attributed to inability to cook, an underlying condition, or loss of taste or smell.
  6. Are your parents in good spirits? Note your parents’ mood and ask how they are feeling. A drastically different mood or outlook could be a sign of other health concerns.
  7. Are your parents still social? Are they still connecting with friends, continuing with hobbies, involved with clubs or organizations or getting out of the house?
  8. Are your parents able to get around? Pay attention to how they are walking – are they reluctant to move around? Have they fallen recently?

Think your aging parents might be experiencing a few of these signs? Connect with us anytime (24/7) we will help you understand all your options to connect you to the right resources you need to alleviate your fears and give you peace of mind.

Sign-up for our Seek On blog and stay connected with tips, resources and great articles all to spark your loved one to keep them healthier and independent longer.

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