The SuperBowl is behind us but the discussion we had right before the Minneapolis event remains an interesting conversation starter: Who is your home care quarterback? What does that even mean? And why do you need one?
Picture the quarterbacks – they are the leaders of the offense whose goal is to win the game. To do this, they must engage their team, train and prepare, know the plays, change course as needed, play under any situation (freezing cold temps or high humidity), and communicate the message clearly so the entire team is unified.
Now, back to senior care – We believe everyone needs a strong quarterback on their aging parent’s home team. Especially those who want to age in place, which according to AARP, accounts for 87% of adults age 65+ who want to stay in their current home and community as they age.
For those clients you are transitioning home from a hospitalization or rehabilitation center, having a quarterback on your (and their) side is critical. You’ve identified the risks, created the discharge plan, and explained the follow-up but, what happens once they get home? Will they continue to be successful and follow through on what you’ve started? Or will they end up right back in the hospital and onto the roller coaster. (Ask us about the roller coaster – we have marketing that explains it in more detail, it’s a good one.)
You need a quarterback on your senior care team. That’s where Life Care Managers make a difference, and here’s how they could help you and your client, whether it’s proactive planning so they can age-in-place or helping them thrive after a health crisis has occurred:
- Trained and ready for any situation (it’s true, they’ve worked with hundreds of seniors with a wide range of situations and changing needs, from acute and chronic to extremely complex and sensitive).
- Registered nurses with extensive home and care management expertise, Life Care Managers provide personalized care and guidance that proactively manages people’s wellbeing.
- Support seniors in following through on their goals to prevent future health crises.
- Ready to assist with everything from accompanying seniors to doctors’ appointments and managing medications to advocacy, socialization, navigating resources, and dealing with changing needs. LCMs help you coordinate, communicate, and manage their wellbeing.
- Get to know every person on the senior’s team to help them understand options, provide guidance as needs and goals change, teach and educate family with tips and insights to caregive with confidence.
- Different than traditional home care nurses, LCMs are directly involved with each senior, not just providing oversight of caregivers. That makes a big difference so that social determinants of care such as social isolation and other life challenges don’t fall through the cracks.
- Deliver measurable results. LCMs work with seniors and their family to identify goals, create a Whole Life Plan, and then measure how the plan is working. In fact, LCMs are how Lifespark has helped seniors reduce ER visits by 52% and hospitalizations by 73%, reducing their need for care and saving money.
- Spark lives. This one is a big one. Engaging seniors with purpose and passion is the Lifespark LCM’s game-changing play. And no one else has it in their playbook.
Think about it. When you are ready to discharge your next client – who do you want on your client’s team? Transitions can be stressful, you want a quarterback on your client’s team whose delivered winning results.
Call us to set up a discovery consultation for your senior. Let’s achieve success together – when seniors win, we all win.