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We help seniors stay healthy at home, navigate their health options with confidence, and live fuller, more independent lives. Our mission: Help people age magnificently.
Scrambling to find the right support for your client? We can help!
Medication management, therapy, and nursing services from licensed professionals
Take advantage of our FREE consultation, and together we can identify the right services at the right time for each of your clients.
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There’s no script for aging magnificently. But there are tools to help anyone attain this experience for those they serve and for themselves.
Register now for this 10-week course led by Dr. Bill Thomas, world-renowned geriatrician, which combines lecture, discussion, and gamification to explore aging, ageism, and aging literacy.
Best part – use code “Spark100” to register for FREE.
Clients and publications everywhere agree — there’s a better way to age.
Others overlooked the key point that my father was still alive inside.
Lifespark is a preview of what senior care will look like in years to come.
Lifespark helps people gain a sense of purpose – a reason to get up in the morning.
There’s a strong need for an innovative approach to care for older Americans.