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Bringing the Message of “Age Magnificently” to Life

  • Nov 30, 2021
  • Cathy Gasiorowicz
  • 3-min Read

Lifespark’s philosophy is that there’s no right or wrong way to age. What matters is that you get to live your life according to your goals and your desires. Not those of your adult daughter, your next-door neighbor, or even your doctor.

But what if those goals and desires have faded into the background? You’re not sure when or what changed, but now, even the thought of taking a walk or going to book club or playing the piano seems overwhelming. You can’t remember the last time you felt like yourself. It’s like you’re watching yourself go south and you can’t seem to stop the decline.

But that’s just a normal part of aging, right? Not on our watch. At Lifespark, we’re on a mission to help everyone age magnificently!

Rewriting the age-old story
Popular media favor the familiar trope of the frail, lonely curmudgeon. There are exceptions, of course—Morgan Freeman, Betty White, Maggie Smith, Rita Moreno, Judi Dench, James Earl Jones, to name a few—but they’re a small minority. It’s hard to find positive examples of older adults living happy, healthy, independent lives.

Lifespark was determined to change the age-old story with a plot that challenges assumptions about “normal aging,” demonstrates the power of goals, and turns the idea of “going south” on its head. All in just three minutes. You can find that story, aptly titled “Going South,” on our website. (By the way, all the Lifespark roles in the video are played by actual Lifespark team members, and the story itself is based on the real-life experience of a Lifespark client.)

In the video, Margorie is clearly going south—she’s depressed, listless, and in chronic pain. The turning point is when her Life Manager, Sara, asks her about a collection of shells. That leads to a conversation about Margorie’s grandchildren and how she wishes she could see them again. With the support and encouragement of her Life Manager, home health aides, physical therapist, and primary care physician, Margorie grabs onto that goal and goes for it. And within a few months, she goes South—literally—to Florida to visit her beloved grandkids. For this Lifespark client, that’s what “normal aging” looks and feels like.

We’ll help you go South, North, or back to yoga class
Whatever your goals and desires—singing in a choir, dancing at your grandson’s wedding, or simply being able to walk around the block—you want someone on your team to guide and advocate for you. In Lifespark’s experience with more than 36,000 seniors, a Life Management advisor can mean the difference between going south and, well, going South.

Aging magnificently with Lifespark Complete
Life Management is central to Lifespark Complete, our flagship program that brings together everything Lifespark has to offer. In addition to a dedicated advisor, the program includes our holistic, proactive approach, senior-savvy primary care, and full coordination of services and resources, all in the comfort of your home.
The best part is that Lifespark Complete may already be part of your health plan, so you can get more at no additional cost to you. And by “more,” we mean more guidance, more support, more cost-saving options, and more ways to age magnificently!

Give us a call at 952-345-0919 or request a free consultation to more about Lifespark Complete and how to tap into all that is available to you.

Watch our video – Going South

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