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Change On Blog (Professional)

Star Tribune Highlights Efforts to Combat Social Isolation for Minnesota Seniors

Kudos to Katy Read and the Star Tribune team who published a series of articles in The Good Life on the impact of social isolation on seniors and what Minneapolis/St. Paul area senior care providers are doing about it. In her articles, Katy points out that the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging and […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

5 Tips to Transform Seniors into Proactive Planners

Ever wish that more of your clients were proactive planners? Get tired of hearing ‘I’m not ready for that’ or ‘When something happens, I’ll call you’? At 86 years old, Mildred feels good and stays busy. Despite her recent bout of pneumonia that ended with a hospitalization and 10-day rehabilitation, she remains optimistic that that […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Joel Theisen Appointed to LeadingAge Minnesota Board of Directors

After watching too many seniors on what he calls the ‘Roller Coaster of Health Care Crisis’ amid a ‘sick care system’ not a healthcare system, Joel Theisen, RN, CEO/Founder of Lifespark knew there had to be a better way. His vision for what home care could be stemmed from being a nurse on the frontlines […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Purpose May Be the Secret Weapon in the War on Dementia

Think focusing on someone’s purpose is fluff? Think again. Minnesota native Dan Buettner found that having a purpose in our lives is one of the nine factors that influence longevity. In his best-selling book the Blue Zones, he identified ‘longevity hotspots’ around the world as places where people tend to live longer, and purpose kept […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Study Shows: Your Clients WANT to Talk about Long-Term Costs

Your clients and their families have a BIG fear: retirement health care costs. But just because they fear those costs doesn’t mean they don’t want to talk about them. In fact, a new Harris Poll study sponsored by Nationwide found the following: 7 out of 10 pre-retirees list soaring retirement health care costs as their […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

5 Tips to Move Senior Care Clients from Denial to Action

We’ve all seen it – seniors (and/or their families) in denial about the post-acute support they will need to be successful at home. Readmissions goals are only part of the story – it is frustrating as professionals to see the same senior AGAIN. So how do we as professionals help seniors balance optimism with reality? […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Population Health: Are You Reaching Far Enough Into the Community?

Despite political change in Washington, the drive toward reforming care continues. Health systems are making major strides toward stratifying their populations to better understand the efficacy of treatments and interventions into high risk/high cost patients to meet the demands of a changing reimbursement system. However, the time is now for new partnership models that break […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Lifespark Honored As Fast 50

Key to Growth: Whole Person Model and a Great Culture The growth of the aging population is expected to double by 2020 – that’s a significant demographic shift that comes with opportunity and challenges as companies realign strategies and vision to create healthcare systems fit for the future. Right here in the Twin Cities, Lifespark’s […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

Lessons Learned from Dr. Bill Thomas’s ‘Disrupt Dementia’ Workshop

“We’re here to disrupt aging,” said Dr. Bill Thomas, an author, entrepreneur, musician, teacher, farmer and physician whose wide-ranging work explores the terrain of human aging. Perhaps best known as the founder of The Eden Alternative and the creator of The Greenhouse Project, which Provider Magazine has called the “pinnacle of culture change,” Dr. Thomas […]


Change On Blog (Professional)

What if Nearly Everything We Think We Know About Aging is Wrong?

That’s the question Dr. Bill Thomas poses on his Age of Disruption tour sweeping across the country (with a Minneapolis stop on September 19.) Think about that question for a moment. What do you think the current aging experience looks like? What is that answer based on? Personal experience, professional judgement? Perhaps a little of […]