Alzheimer’s makes the list of the top 10 leading causes of death and the only one in America that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. But that doesn’t mean the 1 in 3 seniors affected by this disease can’t live a sparked life. Joel Theisen, RN, CEO/Founder of Lifesprk said on Lori LaBey’s ‘Alzheimer’s Speaks’ radio show: “Your life experience has to go at the same trajectory as the illness. We can still be silly, joyful, and experience life even with Alzheimer’s. It still matters and needs to be part of the journey. We all get old, but it’s how we make the most of it, how we spark the life we have.”
For the 15.9 million Americans who provide caregiving to those with Alzheimer’s, we stand with you, offering our support, proactive guidance, and simply walking alongside you on this journey. That’s why Sandi Silseth, RN, Lifesprk Life Care Manager coordinated ‘Team Lifesprkers’ to walk in the Twin Cities ‘Walk to End Alzheimer,’ which is the Alzheimer’s Association’s largest event raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, research and support. The Twin Cities location raised just under $1,387,485 and had the largest turnout nationwide.
“It’s so great that Lifesprk is here to walk,” said Sally Maxwell, RN, Life Care Manager. “Alzheimer’s affects so much of our clients’ lives and I think it affects many of us personally. Each of us knows someone who has it.” Ajibola Ola, Lead Lifesprk Caregiver, added “This is really awesome.”
Coming together to participate in this walk and many others throughout the Twin Cities is Lifesprk’s way of sparking our team, but also raising awareness on senior issues that affect our clients and their families. By learning, connecting to our community, and spreading the spark to many seniors in need of whole person care, we are demonstrating that no one should settle for an unsparked life. To end Alzheimer’s we need to stand together to end the disease and bring hope to those living with it and those caring for them. As Joel stresses, there is so much we can do for people living with Alzheimer’s to ‘spark lives’ that goes beyond just treating them and to better serve their families. Adding in a little spark one step at a time.
How are you sparking the lives of those with Alzheimer’s? Share your experience…
Watch this video of our team walking in the ‘Walk to End Alzheimer’s.’ A special thank you to Peter Silseth of Sil.Vid Productions who produced this and participated in the walk with Lifesprk.
Music source: “Safety Net” by Riot