Josh Berg. That name may sound familiar to you. Perhaps you’ve crossed paths with him at the Minnesota Department of Health where he was the Home Care & Assisted Living Program Manager. Or maybe you met him when he was the Executive Director of Senior Living for Stuart Co. His name and work history were familiar to us when we met him, we knew of his passionate, energetic, and collaborative leadership whose work positively impacted, protected, and improved the lives of vulnerable individuals throughout our communities. Bottom-line – he gets it. He knows what seniors need and he understands how the system works on a very granular level. He also knows there’s so much more we can do to improve the lives of the seniors we serve.
Josh will be the first to tell you he wasn’t even looking for a job when Lifespark leaders met him. As the conversation grew and our vision became clear, he knew he had to be a driving force behind achieving our mission.
In January, Josh joined Lifespark as Director of Growth and six months later after digging in and deepening relationships, he is eager to interact and network with healthcare professionals who like him, want to join forces to create better opportunities for seniors to live the healthiest, most independent lives possible (what we call a sparked life.’)
“The forward-thinking and industry-changing nature of Lifespark’s leadership and team are what drew me here,” said Josh. “Their emphasis on collaboration and partnerships with other industry leaders doesn’t happen enough and is a major reason why I love what we are doing.”
As Director of Growth, Josh oversees our sales/partnership efforts including our community liaison teams. If you haven’t already met him we are confident you will – he’s always out in the community finding new ways to serve seniors whether at Lifespark, our partner sites (current or future), or as he is representing Lifespark while serving on a variety of state, local, and organizational boards/commissions, regularly engaging with legislators and local leaders to encourage everyone to join the new conversation on senior care.
We are excited to have Josh’s breadth of experience in the senior care market and his ability to roll up his sleeves and help seniors with a creative and innovative mindset. To Josh, it’s about building relationships, getting to know health care professionals’ frustrations and challenges, and finding ways to help them serve every client on their caseload, even those with the highest acuity.
“I love the phrase our CEO Joel Theisen always says – isolation is fatal – and it’s why this role is so important, we can’t serve seniors alone, we have to work together and open the dialogue about options and opportunities to deliver a better life experience.”