Helping people age magnificently doesn’t end when a terminal or serious diagnosis is given. We believe it’s in those times a spark is needed most. There is so much we can do within late life experiences for clients and their families to nurture and support all that makes life worth living – addressing challenges and promoting opportunities for richness and quality of life/wellbeing.
That’s why we launched Lifespark Hospice to continue our work to meet people where they are on life’s journey and give them the essential support and guidance to make the most of every day. “It became clear to us that the tenets of palliative care and hospice are essential components of a person’s whole life journey. Adding hospice was a natural extension to what we already provide our clients to help them age magnificently through the end of their life,” said Jennifer Blazek, Lifespark Hospice Administrator.
Our team also know the benefits of having the hospice conversation early. Making that easier is the trusted relationship we’ve already built with our clients and families to recognize the signs and subtle changes that signal hospice may be an appropriate option whether that’s with us or someone else. “We recognize and fully believe in the importance of choice,” added Jennifer. “Many of our clients desire continuity of care and that is an essential goal of our model – to create a seamless experience. We’re happy to be able to provide people with a full continuum of support in one place, educating, guiding, and advocating for the right services at the right time that meet their goals and wishes. It creates less stress when time means so much.”
Is Lifespark Hospice Right for Your Client? Here’s what we want you to know…
- We are not only Medicare certified but accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC).
- Our hospice-certified team is committed to easing the way for people so they can experience greater strength, a sense of peace, and—very likely—some of the most meaningful times of their lives.
- Lifespark Hospice helps people live as independently as possible with a focus on comfort through a combination of expert, compassionate care, evidence-based methods, our innovative Life Experience model, and an unwavering commitment to sparking lives.
- Provide rapid response to referrals for easier, faster discharge planning and care transitions.
- Through education and informed-decision making, we can help have end-of-life conversations with your clients that honor choice and connect them to the best options that meet their goals.
- Offer a one-stop call for a full continuum of whole person services leading to higher client/family satisfaction and enhance late life experiences.
Signs it’s time to consider hospice with your client…
- Goals of care include comfort
- Increased or uncontrolled pain
- Progressive weight loss
- Decline in ability to perform ADLs
- Deteriorating health: reoccurring infections, increase in falls, frequent ER visits
- Change in mental ability/cognition – sleeping most of the day, confusion, new issues with memory
- A desire to stop curative treatment or life-extending/sustaining measures
- Refuses to be hospitalized
Reach out to our team to see if Lifespark Hospice is right for your client: 952-737-4350 or schedule a consultation. Visit Hospice.Lifespark.com to learn more.