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Lifesprk Board Member Richard Leider featured in PBS Special ‘The Power of Purpose’

  • Dec 6, 2015
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 1-min Read

We are very excited that Richard Leider, chair of Lifesprk’s national advisory board,  is featured in a new PBS special called, The Power of Purpose. In this special Richard offers insight and tools to assist people to recognize and unlock the purpose in their lives.


Richard describes purpose in our lives as the “aim around which we structure our lives” and that purpose provides a “source of direction and energy,”  Defining our purpose at “critical junctures in our lives” is essential, he notes that transitions later in life are an important time to define our purpose and live towards that purpose in order to find fulfillment. To view special check your local PBS listings.

Check out the clip below from The Power of Purpose special.

PoerOfPurpose-NextAveClip_01 from Next Avenue on Vimeo.

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