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Lifesprk Employee Inspired to Follow Her Own Advice

  • Feb 4, 2016
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 3-min Read

Freedom PedalersAt Lifesprk, we often ask – what’s your spark? There is no right answer – it’s really up to each individual. And we ask every employee as well as our clients to think about this question. For Georgia Green, Lifesprk’s former Director of Finance, that question quickly grew into a burning spark ignited by the culture at Lifesprk. She felt so empowered by working at Lifesprk that her idea became bolder, more real, and she felt brave enough to put her spark to action and live it.

Her spark? Sell everything she owned and along with her friend Mark, three changes of clothes, a week’s worth of food, camping gear, and two dogs in a covered cargo trailer, they would ride 10,000 miles across 23 states in hopes of sparking the lives of those she meets. To date, they are one-third of the way there.

How does one begin such a daring feat – create a dream and then actually have the power and courage to live it? That’s their story – the Freedom Pedalers and we encourage you to read their blogs, motivational posts, and inspiration behind their story. Our story is the role Lifesprk played in how this spark began. Remember that question – ‘what sparks you?’ – that was all the fuel Georgia needed to dig deep to discover what REALLY was her spark.

After much soul-searching, George decided it was time to make a life-changing decision – a full-time job was not the life she wanted to live right now, but that didn’t come lightly. She choked up discussing her decision – why leave Lifesprk, why leave your life and do this?

Georgia started with Lifesprk, a premium home care provider, three years ago via a behavioral interview that lasted 3 hours and changed her mind-set about organizations – ‘this place is different.’ She attributes her deep awakening to Joel Theisen’s (CEO/Founder of Lifesprk) mentoring and ability to help her explore deep into her inner self to break down the things that were holding her back (we must add that our Leadership team does this for everyone at Lifesprk, it’s simply part of the Lifesprk culture). Joel helped her shine from the inside out and that, Georgia says, gave her the confidence to be brave enough to embark on this new personal journey. It wasn’t her friends, or her family, it was her employer who helped her make this decision. In her own words as she said goodbye to our entire team, Georgia said ‘over the course of my time here at Lifesprk, I have watched us make client ‘wishes’ come true, these are dreams put to action. I’ve watched us empower our clients to go through the process of moving from discovery to living intentionally and passionately. And all this has stoked the spark within me – over the last several years, remembering how to dream, and through the mentorship I’ve received here becoming braver and bold enough to chase them. This is my dream… my wish.’

We know that many people’s spark isn’t as bold as Georgia’s, but her story represents our deepest belief – that we need to help people make the most of their lives. It is an ageless opportunity – and though we work with seniors we know it is something that is vital to wellbeing for everyone. That we need to help people discover their spark, their purpose and then build a pathway, what we call a Life Plan, toward that goal. When we do that, the path opens up to living the healthiest, most independent life possible – something we call ‘living a sparked life.’ We see it every day with our clients – from those who thought their passion for painting would never be possible again or their love of sailing a thing of the past, or even someone who decided to get her ears pierced at 96 – we’ve found that when you reignite the spark, your life becomes a little healthier, more independent, and a lot more meaningful.

We are proud to support the Freedom Pedalers in their quest to spark lives, including their own and we encourage you to boldly answer our question: what’s your spark? And how will you build your path to it?

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