Betty Kobilka lives in Reflections, the memory care unit at Summit Place. She meets with her group of friends in the unit often because she enjoys their company. She’s always been outgoing and a well-dressed woman who paid attention to her appearance – a real fashionista. It’s not as easy as it once was for Betty to get out on her own and simply enjoy a day of shopping. But Betty has something many others in the second half of life don’t; she has a Life Care Manager (LCM), aka, nurse, wish-maker and personal shopper – Betty’s ticket to feeling that spark from a good day of shopping.
When Debbie, Betty’s Lifespark LCM and nurse, asked Betty’s daughter, Pam, “what would put a spark in your mother’s eye,” Pam answered, “take her shopping at her favorite store, Von Maur.” So that’s exactly what Debbie and Lifespark caregiver, Stella Okioga, did.
“Are you two crazy?” repeated Betty over and over throughout the drive to Von Maur. “I can’t believe that you would take me shopping and pay for it!” As a Lifespark client, Betty receives what we call the Lifespark ExperienceTM – and that ranges from anything such as medication management and cognitive support to discovering what puts a spark back into people’s lives. For Betty, that was shopping. “It’s really about discovering people’s purpose, passions and identity because sparked lives lead to healthier lives,” said Debbie. “In my job, I help clients like Betty with the nursing piece, but it’s so much more – we get to do the fun part, and celebrate who each of our clients is by encouraging the fun part – what gives them purpose and joy.”
Betty shopped, posed, and enjoyed a cup of coffee and conversation. Stella shared with Betty photos from her recent African safari where she traveled to Kenya. And they shopped some more. Before they left, Betty had her diamonds cleaned at a jewelry store and commented to Debbie, “it was good I was flanked by you two because my rings are so bright, someone might try to take them off my finger!” She felt alive, proud and invigorated by the day out. Dinner at Panera Bread completed her adventure. Back at Summit, Betty said, “This was a great day out with my friends.”
Real people deserve real results. They deserve to feel whole, important, and valued – when they are, both the person and those that help them, shine.
Shop On, Betty!