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Sparking Lives: Pirates of Penzance

  • Sep 5, 2015
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 1-min Read

Kristin Cramer, RN, Life Care Manager is pictured here with her client, Pam. Pam mentioned to Kristin that she had a wish: “I want to see the Pirates of Penzance.” Kristin discovered it was playing at the Ordway Theater, and with the help of the Lifesprk team, she called to get two tickets, and Kristin and Pam attended the show.

Kristin shared:

“I’m not sure who had more fun–we both laughed and giggled throughout the play (I myself had never seen the play but Pam saw the movie with Linda Ronstadt). Neither one of us had been to the Ordway, and our seats were amazing. After the play we spent a good hour in “rush hour” getting home and got to know each other better–it was a great afternoon. She couldn’t believe we would do something like this and thanked me multiple times.

The smile on her face in this photo and the sparkle in her eyes throughout the play warmed my heart. We are so lucky to be able to give back to this great generation who deserve nothing less than the very best the world has to offer. I truly look forward to going to “work” (we have great jobs)–how many people can say that?”

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