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Technology Advice for Seniors

  • May 4, 2017
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 2-min Read

There are many technology devices on the market ready to help seniors live the healthiest life possible at home or wherever they call home.

Which ones should you consider? That depends on your goals, budget, and comfort in using technology. In fact, technology can play a role in helping more seniors remain connected to friends, family and all they love, and perhaps even reduce the need for in-home care. Read on for some technology advice for seniors and a few tips.

We’ve found that many seniors enjoy how technology connects them to the world and enables them to maintain activities, interests, and interactions they have always enjoyed. Adult children caring for elderly parents at home love how technology can solve some of the challenges they face in keeping their parents safe, independent, and socially active.

Here are a few things our Lifesprk IT department likes:

  • Transportation apps: These are great for people who want to get out of the house but don’t want to drive. Download apps like Lyft or Uber and arrange for rides whenever you need them.
  • Smart watches: Easily access your email, make calls, check heart rate, fitness levels, or medication reminders all from your wrist. Some newer options include fall detectors or voice-activated systems to guide you home or find you if you become unresponsive.
  • Medication dispensers: Many of our Life Care Managers use these with our clients to effectively keep seniors on track for taking their medications at just the right time. Automatic dispensers can be programmed to provide alerts when it’s time and dispense the appropriate medication one at a time.
  • Grocery apps/services: Order your groceries online and take your time shopping from home. Services like PeaPod, Hello Fresh, Blue Apron or FreshDirect will deliver right to your door.
  • grandPad: A tablet option designed with a senior in mind. No WiFi, wires, software updates or passwords to remember. Easily connect via video to family members, receive emails and texts, view photos, play games, and listen to music.

Looking for more options to connect? Call Lifesprk Navigation, a free service,  for additional support and we’ll connect you to the resources you seek: 952-345-0919.


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