In our latest opinion piece in MN Good Age, Lifespark taps research in a new study that points to what older adults really want.
Health care is at a crossroads. As it relates to aging and senior health, it’s no surprise really. Behind the current shift is a generation notorious for shaking up significant change in this country. Since birth, Baby Boomers have been at the forefront of societal movements, cultural revolutions, historical milestones, tech advances, and economic growth.
In a podcast on The COMPLETE Shift with Lifespark, Steve Gillon, historian and author of Boomer Nation, explained “This whole concept of retirement and aging as it was defined by past generations is going to go out the window. Throw out conventional wisdom for how we approach the aging market, what was done in the past isn’t going to work.”
That’s in line with a recent groundbreaking survey released by Age Wave and The John A. Hartford Foundation revealing widespread dissatisfaction among older adults with the U.S. health care system. The study found, health care is complex, fragmented, and difficult to navigate especially if you have chronic illness.