Kaye has a passion for painting. Just check her room at SilverCrest’s Brightondale campus where several of her artworks are displayed. Yet during the last few years, as pain from arthritis overwhelmed her, her life became more focused on medications and options for controlling pain than on pursuing her hobby.
For many years, her nurse administered daily pain regimens and offered support where needed. There wasn’t much time for emotional or spiritual support. Her visits were focused on Kaye’s physical health issues and nothing else. It wasn’t until her nurse became a Lifespark Life Care Manager (LCM) after Lifespark partnered with SilverCrest to provide its Lifespark Experience™ approach on-campus that she began to dig deeper into understanding who Kaye was as an individual.
This whole-person approach helped Kaye’s LCM discover that Kaye’s pain existed in more ways than just physical. Inside Kaye was a woman who still desired to paint but had settled for the paintings that surrounded her as reminders of a life once filled with joy. It was time to help encourage Kaye to seek the spark and move beyond just keeping her pain and health issues under control and ignite her passion for painting.
The Lifespark team suggested Kaye hold an art show to share her paintings with the community. With this one single idea, Kaye was transformed. Instead of sitting in her room focused on the pain, she was preparing for the show, getting excited about the guest list, and seeking every opportunity to talk about art with her friends. Her pain was barely in her mind as her energy was refocused on her passion: her art.
At the art show in the Sunroom at Brightondale, Kaye beamed as she welcomed guests from the local community as well as from Brightondale. People asked her questions about each picture: ‘how did she paint this scene,’ ‘what were her favorite media,’ ‘where were you when you painted this.’ The day was about Kaye, the artist, not the client who suffered from pain. Lifespark LCMs know that helping people is more than physical. The true identity and passion of each individual is what makes them feel alive. The art show sparked Kaye and she was proud of what she accomplished. Even better, after the paintings were put away, Kaye picked up her brush and asked her LCM to help her paint again. Now, there’s no stopping her.
Paint On, Kaye!