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Ask Ethel

At Lifespark we are all about helping people age magnificently and our Ask Ethel columns offer answers to questions many people have about staying healthy, happy, and independent as we all grow old together.

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Ask Ethel 1

Do I need a geriatrician?

Dear Ethel,

I have been with my primary care provider for years, but I’ve been hearing more and more that they should have more geriatric training. I am not sure at this stage in my life I want the hassle of switching. Do you think I should?

~ Questioning Switching in Bloomfield


Dear Questioning Switching,

First, good for you for being so proactive about your own health.

The idea that primary care should be experts in geriatrics (or as we say ‘senior savvy’) is right in line with what many people are thinking. In fact, 94% of older adults agree that health care providers should be trained in the unique needs of older adults. It’s something to think about, especially if you take more than five medications and see more than two specialists for chronic conditions. Someone who specializes in seniors specifically can help you manage all of that and align on what’s important to your health and goals.

As the body ages, a lot changes that many primary care providers aren’t in tune with. For example, a medication dosage for you at 65 may be very different than when you are 80 because of how the body metabolizes medications as you age. A provider who has geriatric expertise would know this. You’d be surprised at how often this is overlooked.

I also like to think about this question in this way – who did you bring your children to when they were younger? Probably a pediatrician who understands children at each of the developmental stages; the same goes for those in elderhood. We just need different things, resources, and perspectives as we age.

For those primary care providers who are geriatric experts or are geriatricians with a certification in this specialty (by the way Lifespark has several who are) they focus their visits a little differently, often starting with what’s important to you. Conversations are geared towards your goals, medication reviews that cover not so much what you are taking but why, a focus on chronic and acute illness and simplifying the complexities that goes with it, and advance care planning so that no matter what life has in store, your wishes are met.

Now to the question you asked – should I switch? That is a personal decision that I can’t advise you on. What I can (and hopefully did) is share a few things to consider. If the above things matter to you, then yes, you should look into it. It all comes down to what you want out of your health and life. Does your current provider listen to you, direct your health around what you want, or are they giving you just the bare minimum in time and focused on medications, medications, and medications?

The easy part, if you’re a Lifespark COMPLETE member, you already have access to geriatric-trained medical experts and the key would be to call them now and get your annual wellness visit scheduled if you haven’t already. It’s a great way to test if their approach meets your needs better and it becomes an easy transition (you can keep both).

Stay in touch – would love to hear what you decide and how it’s going.

In health,

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Ask Ethel 2

When should I go on hospice?

Dear Ethel,

I have diabetes and congestive heart failure. I see people in my assisted living going onto hospice and it scares me. Do you know how they qualify for hospice and get onto services?


Answer: As scary as the word hospice sounds – it can be something of a relief. Hospice services focus on enhancing your quality of life, relieving symptoms, and taking steps to lessen your distress. A hospice team can help you and your family make the most of your remaining time together. Your Nurse Practitioner or Doctor can talk with you about an Advance Care Directive including whether you want to go to the hospital if you get sick and what can you expect with your age and your chronic conditions.

In fact, everyone should have an end-of-life discussion with both their NP/MD and family. Both your medical team and your family should have a clear understanding of your end-of-life wishes.

The NP/MD and Nursing team will determine whether you qualify for hospice; Medicare requires this.  Hospice is paid for under Medicare at 100% and has so many benefits, including the hospice team, equipment, medication and more.  The hospice representative will have that discussion with you and explain the hospice benefit.  After that, you will have a good picture of the next steps.

I highly recommend having that discussion and I’m wishing the best in health for you.

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Ask Ethel 3

Making time count, tips to make doctor appointments work for you.

Dear Ethel,

When I see my doctor, the visits last just a few minutes. I have questions that we often don’t have time to get to. What should I do?

— Medically Misaligned


Answer: There are a few things that might help to make that time the most it can be…

  1. Try making an appointment that’s just for your questions. And let your doc know that’s why you’re coming in.
  2. Make a list of all the questions you want to ask and take time to write down or record the doctor’s answers.
  3. Consider looking into an in-home-based provider. Appointments at home can offer you more time with the doctor.
  4. You might want to think about adding the care of a provider with expertise in senior health to your team. They are trained in the changes that bodies experience with aging as well as medication reviews, advance care planning, goals of care and more. Appointments with these providers are scheduled for a longer duration too – often an hour, to give clients ample time to ask questions and talk about their health.
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Ask Ethel 4

Making the best use of your worries

Dear Ethel,

Sometimes I feel nervous in my home. What if I fall and hurt myself or start to feel really ill suddenly. I’m pretty healthy so I’m not sure if these are things I should worry about or if it’s just irrational anxiety. What do you think?

~ Worrywart


Dear Worrywart,

Your concerns are valid -even though you’re healthy. As we age our bodies change. What was once a simple fall in our younger years can become a serious health problem as we get older. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop living or enjoying your healthy life.

One way to mitigate this fear is to sit down with your health care team and put together a contingency plan. This plan contains early warning signs of health changes occurring. It includes what you and your health care team can do early on to produce the outcomes you desire. These plans start in your home and can include diagnostic tests, urgent mobile care, new medications and services like physical therapy. This plan will go through all the steps that you or a loved one would need to take in an emergency. For your peace of mind, you can put together a check-in plan with loved ones to ensure that they know if something isn’t right in your home. The contingency plan will be reviewed by your provider team, and they can align your services to it, even if you were to become incapacitated. It even lays out your preferences for life sustaining measures in a catastrophic situation.

A contingency plan is both an anxiety reducer and a proactive measure for your health. Look into it right away. It will put your worries to good use and help you feel so much better.

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Ask Ethel 5

I don’t want help

Dear Ethel,

I’m fine on my own but my daughter is worried that I’m not able to care for myself at home. She thinks I need more help, but I don’t want to lose my independence. Should I listen to her?

~ Mom Feeling Frustrated


Dear Mom Feeling Frustrated,

This is a normal response from a daughter who is responding from a place of love. She’s worried because more than likely, she only wants the best for you. Imagine the other way around – I’m sure you too would want the best for her. My question would be to you – what do you want? My recommendation would be to sit down and have a courageous conversation with her and simply listen. There is a happy medium here where you can understand where she is coming from but also explain to her how you want to live your life including what your wishes and goals are. Many families would benefit from this kind of transparency.

Hearing her side of the story also sheds light on her perspective. It is possible that she is seeing things that you aren’t or perhaps seeing things that you know are there but you’re not ready to acknowledge. That is completely normal and understandable. There is a balance to living independently and sometimes even a little bit of support goes a long way to maintaining your independence and keeping you in control. But the first step is understanding why she feels this way and ensuring your voice is heard.

Starting now to explore options before a health crisis hits is a smart move. It’s always harder to have these conversations in the midst of a crisis, especially if you are unable to make your wishes known. Even if getting additional help is needed, it is not the end of independence.

Finding the right level of support not only can help you maintain your control and independence longer, but it can also ease her mind and support her being able to balance her life, too. As your health needs change, whenever that may be, you are already ahead of the game and can adapt or take away support as needed. And that’s nothing to feel frustrated or worried about – by talking this through you are establishing control and autonomy. To that I say well done, Mom – your daughter can learn a lot by watching you set the example for how to age magnificently.

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Ask Ethel 6

Should I consider a live-in caregiver?

Dear Ethel,

I have surgery coming up and my daughter who lives far away doesn’t think I should be alone. Should I consider a live-in caregiver? I am not sure how I feel about someone living in my home. Are there things I should know before I consider it?

~ Eleanor


Dear Eleanor,

After surgery the one thing you need to do is heal. It’s hard to do that if you are worrying about cooking, doing laundry, keeping the house clean, and the more intimate issues of needing to bathe and keep the wound clean. Even when family is there to support you, you may not want them helping you with everything.

Depending on the type of surgery, some providers may recommend you go to a rehab facility or transitional care unit until you are able to live on your own. The question really comes down to – where do you want to recover and heal?

If the answer is home, I would recommend exploring a live-in caregiver. They are a surprisingly affordable alternative to other settings, and you get to remain home in your comfortable surroundings. Live-in caregivers are there for as long as you need them – if you feel you only need a few hours during the day, you can start to wean down caregiving support. With a live-in, you have someone to keep an eye on you at night, so you don’t fall if you are on pain medications and because they cook meals, they can make sure you are eating enough to tolerate those medications. They can also run to the grocery store and get you out of the house when you are feeling better so you can go to book club or to the hair salon (you know, the good stuff!).

The biggest benefit they bring is being the eyes and ears in case there is a change that might signal something is wrong before a bigger problem occurs like an infection or side effect from the surgery.

But I get it. Inviting someone you haven’t met yet into your home is a big consideration. These people are compassionate professionals who are there to support you so that you can stay healthy at home. Often, they provide companionship, ease your mind so you can relax and focus on you, and end up improving your wellbeing in ways you didn’t expect. Live-ins provide a crucial, yet underutilized solution to helping you for as long as you need it.

The choice is up to you but if staying home is what you want, having a live-in is a great option that will ease both your and your daughter’s mind. Regardless of what you choose, I wish you well in your upcoming surgery.

In health,

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Ask Ethel 7

Should I go to the ER?

Dear Ethel,

I’ve been to the ER twice in the past month for a UTI, but I’m worried about other germs I could be exposed to. I heard the flu, COVID, and norovirus are keeping the hospital busy. What should I do if I can’t be seen by my primary care?

~ Remaining Cautious in Eagan


Dear Remaining Cautious in Eagan,

First, I’m sorry to hear you are not feeling well. UTIs are a common reason older adults end up in the hospital and as you know, they can be painful and serious if left untreated. You are right to question if there are alternative options. We are in the height of flu and norovirus and as you noted, many of our area hospitals and ERs are busy with people experiencing these viruses. While your immune system is busy fighting a UTI, you are at greater risk of exposure to some of these things. At the same time, UTIs should be treated. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, the ER may just be where you should head.

In the meantime, I would ask your primary care team if you have an option like an in-home urgent care or ER at home team who comes to you. Many providers and hospital systems are offering these types of services to prevent seniors especially from having to go the ER for things that could be served at home. What I’ve found is that seniors and their families don’t even know this option exists. I know that people who have Lifespark COMPLETE, for example, have this as an integrated part of their team. If you’re ever questioning if you should go to the ER or if you need labs, UTI testing, or other things, they can be done from the comfort of your own home.

The bigger question to me though is why are you experiencing reoccurring UTIs? Understanding the root cause, and if it’s really a UTI, should be explored with your primary care provider. I would go one step further and suggest speaking to someone who is a geriatric expert (I much prefer ‘senior savvy’). A provider with training and experience in geriatrics can help you understand if you are being diagnosed accurately and importantly, are not being exposed to the harms of “overtreatment.” Diagnosing and treating UTIs is more complex than many health professionals and most people understand.

Without the right diagnosis, attributing UTIs as a root cause can lead to serious negative outcomes including antibiotic induced colitis, drug resistant organisms, poor appetites, and drug-to-drug interactions.

Encourage your primary care team to explore the cause of your symptoms to avoid missing something serious. Be vocal about what’s available to you instead of just going to the ER – your health deserves it.

In health,

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