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Seek On Blog (Consumer)
The tulip is a classic flower symbolizing love, royalty, abundance and prosperity. The Dutch actually popularized the tulip considering it a reminder of how brief life can be. The brevity of life is why sparks are so important. Perhaps it’s why random acts of kindness are popping up everywhere lately leaving the beholder with an […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
Time to talk about that ‘one fall’ with your elderly parents. The fall you may or may not know about. If you’re like most adult children then you can relate to how your aging parents have a funny way of not sharing all the details of their care at home. They say it was ‘just […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
My mom used to always say: “Becoming a senior is not for sissies.” She was right, but being an adult caregiver for an aging parent is sometimes no piece of cake either. Providing senior care to an older loved one, whether at home or in an assisted living, is rarely a smooth path – it […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
How do great movements start? With someone taking the first step. And that’s exactly what Shelby Andress and her neighbor Sue Larson did at Parkshore Senior Campus in St. Louis Park, Minnesota for seniors and their families everywhere. Inspired by seeing a presentation by Dr. Atul Gawande, surgeon, writer, and best-selling author of Being Mortal, […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
A new report from PHI and LeadingAge Minnesota paints a clear picture of Minnesota’s changing demographics and its impact on providing care at home to elderly parents. Here are just a couple of the facts from the State of Care: Minnesota’s Home Care Landscape report: By 2020, for the first time in history, Minnesota’s 65+ […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
Do these elder care scenes sound familiar? Mom age 85 drives a couple times a week to pick up groceries and her prescriptions but the kids keep urging her to give up driving. Eighty-seven year-old Dad just had another fall and the family keeps asking him to consider moving to be safer. It is an […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
There are many technology devices on the market ready to help seniors live the healthiest life possible at home or wherever they call home. Which ones should you consider? That depends on your goals, budget, and comfort in using technology. In fact, technology can play a role in helping more seniors remain connected to friends, […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
Tips and resources to add to your senior care plan Education, like sparked living, is an ageless opportunity. Have you ever thought about going back to school or taking a class? The modern day classroom for lifelong learners may surprise you – it’s not just for the young seeking a degree. It’s for those thirsty […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
Sleep is critical to good health, and not sleeping can lead to a variety of health issues especially for seniors. To combat this, we’ve pulled together a few senior care tips to help you achieve a blissful sleep. According to the National Institute on Health (NIH), older adults’ sleep patterns change as they age – […]
Seek On Blog (Consumer)
Does your home care plan incorporate your purpose and passion? She didn’t realize she had some talent left in her. Imagine that. To look at her work, you can see nothing but the talent that lies there – soft strokes, vibrant colors that have their watery essence yet detailed and strong. In her late 80s, […]