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105th Birthday Puts Swing In Step

  • Jul 13, 2015
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 1-min Read

105th Birthday Puts Swing In StepGertrude McFarland’s 105th birthday party gave her the courage to walk again. And her daughter, Joan Scovil, was overwhelmed by her mother’s happiness and the steps her Lifespark Life Care Manager (LCM) took to bring her such joy.

For Trudie’s 105th birthday, her LCM, a registered nurse, with the support of the SilverCrest team, planned a special birthday party that Trudie would remember for a lifetime. The birthday party brought a tiny bit of China to Trudie, who had been a world traveler with her late husband but had never made it to China for a visit. At the time of her 105th birthday, Trudie had severe back pain and had long been in a wheelchair. Her birthday party left such an impression on Trudie that she was inspired to try walking again. “It wasn’t until her LCM enlisted the help from staff to support Mom in her efforts to walk did she even consider getting out of her wheelchair,” said Scovil. “This combined with the feelings of empowerment Mom felt after celebrating her 105th are what motivated her to continue using the walker and strengthen her legs, now she doesn’t rely on her wheelchair anymore.”

Trudie still has pain but her will to walk again was more powerful. Scovil has seen first- hand what the Lifespark Experience™ approach has meant to her mother’s progress. Her mom is walking again, feeling independent and strong . . . at age 105!

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