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How A Little Risk Can Make Seniors A Lot Healthier – and Happier

  • Dec 20, 2024
  • Meaghan Puglisi
  • 1-min Read

The problem is, we’ve become so preoccupied with surplus safety at all times for seniors that we have stripped away too many of the surprises and unexpected twists that make life worth living. In an opinion piece in MinnPost, Joel Theisen, Lifespark CEO, had a few things to say about why seniors should take a little risk.

Seniors have earned their safety net of Social Security and Medicare, but to truly thrive they need to move beyond the well-planned life to add something unexpected: personal risk.

It’s one of the oddest twists of modern society – Americans spend most of their lives being encouraged to work hard to do difficult things. As soon as we hit a certain age, though, it’s all about easing up and backing off.

Grandma, take a break! Give it a rest, Grandpa! You don’t want to chance a fall there!

How is it safe to have great-grandmothers running down hallways in walkers? The truth is, it’s not completely safe. But that’s the point. And it’s also really fun.

Read on for the full article…

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